Welcome To The Corpse Guide

  • "Evergreen"
  • "Bound "

Most people have never thought about what a burden it can be. When some one has passed. What do you do with the body ? Who takes your love one? Did grandma want to be put into the grave next to grandpa or did she want you to set her ashes free from a plane at 20,000 feet ?

Ante Mortem

Preplanning, things to do before you die

Set up a will

Gather information

Let everyone know you wishes

This site is out there for people asking the quesion. What do I do with my body after I die. Who will take care of it?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque cursus tempor enim. Aliquam facilisis neque non nunc posuere eget volutpat metus tincidunt.